What’s next


Dear Friends,

Our society has changed and our world has changed. Everything is operating differently and our society will not be going back to “normal” anytime soon. But lives must continue to be lived. The best thing we can do is empower ourselves with knowledge. There are still no clear answers on how to treat this virus and it is this "not-knowing" that stirs fear in people. There are so many unanswered questions. How do we treat it? Who does it target? Why do certain parts of the country have severe outbreaks and others do not?

So we get ahead of this by first not being afraid.  

Know that you have the power to wash your hands and not touch your face. Know that you can do your part and practice physical distance. Know that you can do things to help balance your health. 

My previous newsletter includes tips to help boost your immune system.  As I put more thought into this, I believe the best thing is not just about boost immunity but balance the whole body mentally and physically. 

Chinese medicine strives to balance the whole body system. If we are out of balance, this is when disease arise. That can be said not only with our body but with our world.  

The majority of us are lucky enough to have the power to aim for this balance for ourselves. We can do so by eating healthy as much as we can, reduce stress and move our bodies. There is some evidence that this virus affects people with preexisting conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and the immunocompromised. And if you do fall into this category instead of feeling scared and helpless, be glad you have this knowledge and try your best to eat healthier then you normally would or exercise a little more and ask for help. 

I believe in this medicine and I know Chinese medicine (acupuncture, nutrition, herbs, cupping, gua sha) will be a great benefit to everyone’s lives not only for help when feeling sick but as a general preventative measure. Let’s get ahead of this. 

So I ask, how do we move forward with our lives from here? We become empowered with knowledge of self care by washing our hands and not touching our face, eating well, sleeping deeply, reducing stress and daily movement. Prevention is the key and I know the strength of Chinese medicine is in balancing your whole system thereby preventing unwanted pathogens. If your body does get compromised  with this virus or any other sickness, I believe your system will be better equipped to fight against anything.

Next Steps:

I will be seeing patients again starting May 18th. For now, I will be seeing a limited amount of patients in order to still practice safety. 

Here are some safety measures I am taking at the new office:

  • Wiping down the treatment tables with medical grade disinfectant after each patient

  • Each treatment room has a medical grade air purifier running at all times.

  • Door handles are wiped down after each patient.

  • Asking anyone that comes in the office, whether for a treatment or just picking up herbs, to wear a mask.

  • Please stay at home if you are feeling sick, have a fever, or cough. I would be happy to do a virtual consult and send you herbs.

Virtual wellness consultations will continue to be offered.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or if you just want to say hi. Hope everyone is doing well and I miss you all. Keep an eye out for a follow up email regarding my new office location! 

Stay healthy & vibrant. 
Much love,


5 Ways to Stay Healthy this Autumn


Anti-Inflammatory Foods For A Strong Body