“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished”
-Lao Tzu
Female Fertility
The potential for growing new life starts well before the seed is planted in the ground. The soil must be full of nutrients, well-watered, and well-positioned with just the right amount of sun, not too much or too little. Just like the soil, preparing the body for a healthy baby starts well before conception occurs.
Around 3-6 months before trying to conceive (either naturally or with assisted fertility treatments) it is important to understand what’s happening in your reproductive system in order to support healthy follicles and rich endometrial lining. Ideally the menstrual cycle trends towards predictability and regular intervals.
The importance of the preconception time is about being one step ahead. The end goal is not simply to get pregnant. It is to have a (problem-free) and peaceful pregnancy, healthy baby and balanced postpartum recovery.
Male Fertility
Women face a disproportionate burden of doctor visits, medications/supplements, and injections, when it comes to fertility treatments even though the male partner is equally important! While men are capable of fathering healthy offspring throughout a larger portion of their lives than women, biological age still matters. At least 50% of infertility is attributed to sperm.
Sadly, over the past several decades there has been a dramatic decline in the health of semen. Sperm are highly susceptible to oxidative stress and oxidative DNA damage from environmental toxicants, infections, age, metals, air pollution and even stress.
It is important to positively influence the health of the sperm with nutrients/herbs, lifestyle and acupuncture treatments during this very influential time. What we do now truly has an effect across generations.
Acupuncture & Fertility
Acupuncture for fertility addresses the foundations of conception by reducing stress, balancing hormone function, increasing circulation, and moderating the immune system. Acupuncture for fertility may help regulate the menstrual cycle to encourage balanced hormone production, healthy ovulation and pain-free moderate cycle flow. It can promote proper blood flow to the uterus and ovaries which may influence egg quality and a receptive lush endometrium. More importantly, beyond the physical benefits, acupuncture is very much a mind-body medicine. Trying to conceive can be one of the most emotionally exhausting , confusing, and frustrating times in a couple’s life. Taking time to simply let go and reset with an acupuncture treatment gives space to the nervous system to breathe.
Acupuncture and herbs are used to:
Improve blood flow to the uterus
Reduce cysts and painful periods
Regulate the menstrual cycle and promote ovulation
Improve semen parameters
Address any hormone imbalances affecting the cycle
Acupuncture & Assisted Reproduction
Fertility treatments can place a huge demand on the body’s physical and emotional resources. Medications, numerous doctor’s visits, and occasionally invasive procedures can leave one feeling unbalanced and defeated. Acupuncture treatments during this time have not only been found to improve pregnancy rates and take-home babies, but they are invaluable for stress-reduction and mental well-being. Acupuncture can be incorporated at any stage of the IUI or IVF process but it is ideal to get started as soon as possible since the benefits of acupuncture are cumulative in nature. Ideally starting acupuncture treatments 2-3 month before any assisted reproductive therapies is recommended.
Acupuncture combined with IVF can result in:
Fewer Miscarriages
Fewer Ectopics
More Pregnancies
More Take Home Babies

Schedule your appointment online or give us a call/text (424) 744-8366
We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments 6 days a week,
with appointment times available all day with house calls available upon request.