Women’s Health
Supporting women through life transitions
From puberty through the cessation of menstruation, the goal is to comfortably move through each life transition at the appropriate time and embrace the changes as opportunities to care for oneself.
Incredibly, a 20 week old female fetus has a fully developed reproductive system and once she is born, her ovaries will house all the eggs she will have during her lifetime. Throughout the cycles of life, she will be guided by the hormones that cue menstruation and ovulation. Because all body systems are linked, our hormones will continuously influence our immune and nervous system function.
The more we listen to internal cues that come from the peaks, valleys, and eventual decline in ovarian signaling, the more we can truly know what we need in the moment. Whether it is more stillness, more activity, or whether we are guided to follow an entirely different life path, our body’s wisdom is undeniable.
Today in the US, the average age of menstruation is 12 years old. However, more often females are starting their cycles earlier due to the ubiquitous presence of endocrine disruptors and diets that are abundant in starch and sugar. Though menstruation can occur between 20-40 days, ideally the uterine lining is shed every 28 days.
It is always a good idea to pay attention to irregular bleeding patterns, or unpleasant symptoms associated with menstruation/ovulation as these can be a signal that the body is under some kind of stress, be it metabolic, environmental, or mental/emotional. Unfortunately, the birth control pill is too readily prescribed as a means to fix any period symptoms but can end up creating more challenges down the road.
Establishing good eating habits can be very helpful to treat hormonal issues at this time as well as nutritional supplementation, herbs and acupuncture. Fortunately, younger individuals tend to respond quickly and well to acupuncture!
Chinese medicine can help with:
Precocious puberty
Mental emotional health
Irregular, heavy painful menstrual cycles
The Fertile Years
The hormones which are lower during childhood and youth, increase in the twenties and thirties giving rise to reproductive potential. Any previously unresolved hormone imbalance will carry over to this stage and this is why, ideally we are always one step ahead.
Although it is quite possible to have a healthy baby in our forties, biological age is everything. When we use our hormones as fuel to burn the candle at both ends, fertility suffers and what follows is accelerated aging and all its associations. It is important to pay close attention to our body’s signals and make sure we don’t push ourselves too hard during this time.
Chinese medicine can help with:
Painful, irregular, heavy or no periods
Thyroid issues
Digestive issues
Transition into “Second Spring”
In Chinese culture, menopause is called Second Spring. It is a renewal in energy as she is transitioning from reproduction and out putting to nourishing herself.
It is nature’s design for the ovaries to eventually stop hormonal secretions that provide the body’s physical and mental stamina. However, the more we depleted ourselves in the fertile years, the more likely we create conditions for insomnia, thermo-regulation, weight issues, and unpleasant mood changes in our 40’s and 50’s. Now is the time to really slow down and be kind to yourself. Lifestyle and nutrition are always important to help correct exhaustion and hormonal decline, when combined with Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture, the reduction of peri-menopausal symptoms can be significant.
Chinese medicine can help with:
Painful, irregular or heavy cycles
Weight changes
Hot flashes/night sweats
Brain Fog
Depression/mood fluctuations

Schedule your appointment online or give us a call/text (424) 744-8366
We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments 6 days a week,
with appointment times available all day with house calls available upon request.