Prenatal Care
Acupuncture is a safe and effective way to help manage some of the common pregnancy-related conditions that happen during the different trimesters. Because of the trans-generational effects/epi-genetics, treatments during pregnancy can also influence the health of a growing baby!
First Trimester
Often the most vulnerable period after conception, the first trimester can simultaneously be full of excitement and high anxiety, especially if there was previous loss. After the placenta takes over the production of the important hormone progesterone, risk of miscarriage is greatly reduced and common first trimester symptoms like nausea and vomiting may start to dissipate. Acupuncture can support the pregnancy by giving the body real rest so that it can do the energy intensive job of growing a baby.
How we can help
Nausea and vomiting
Difficulty sleeping
Second Trimester
Now that the placenta is fully formed, you are sharing everything with your baby. If you feel bliss, you share those bliss hormones with baby. If you feel stressed, baby also shares those hormones. While it is impossible to not “be stressed” on occasion, prolonged or severe stress is not ideal during pregnancy. If you are under stress, more regular treatments in the second trimester are recommended. Otherwise, occasional treatments to help with aches or pains can be helpful. Some parents-to-be feel great during the second trimester! As always, it is about listening to your body and what it needs during this special time.
How we can help
Back pain
Groin pain
Common colds
Gestational Diabetes
Third Trimester
By now the pregnancy is nearing the home stretch and sometimes the growing pregnant body becomes more and more uncomfortable. In addition to addressing these discomforts, treatments during this time are especially aimed at making sure the baby is in a good position as the onset of labor nears.
How we can help
Third trimester aches and pains
Baby’s position/Breech
Cervical ripening
Physical and mental preparation for labor
Prepping body for postpartum period

Schedule your appointment online or give us a call/text (424) 744-8366
We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments 6 days a week,
with appointment times available all day with house calls available upon request.